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  • KCB Bank Tanzania T24 Implementation Goes Live.

    In response to regulatory requirement for in-country data hosting, KCBT in February 2021 successfully deployed their T24 system on a separate local infrastructure. As implementing partner, STRAJ successfully delivered the project, providing support and training in-country project team to better manage the system. 

    This implementation included the successful deployment of digital channels and borderless banking integration to facilitate seamless transactions across all KCB bank units in East Africa while maintaining the quality of service at the local subsidiary.

  • SMEP Microfinance Bank Kenya Live on T24 IBS R18

    SMEP continued its technological leadership trend by being the first MFI in Africa to implement T24 Transact R18 TAFJ on DB2. As a technology partner, STRAJ implemented all the features of R18 including data migration and channels integration using the Temenos' TIM approach. The new system positions SMEP in the cutting edge of technology in providing superior customer service and products.

  • Stanbic Bank Kenya Implements Online Sniffer (RC)

    To better manage the bank’s loans and deposits portfolio, Stanbic Bank Kenya went Live on Recycler Module (Online Sniffer) on its T24 Transact - a pioneer RC module implementation involving migration of existing AA contracts while retaining all historical data. This approach offers the opportunity for extended features i.e. embedded charges, Auto disbursement, Multiple repayment Accounts; amongst other features.
    In addition, MM contracts were migrated to AA providing for Early Redemption with Interest forfeiting, automated electronic notification.

    STRAJ provided the implementation and technical support for these projects.

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